Strawberry Green Tea Kamut Krispie Treats

Snap! Crackle! Pop! A slightly savory spin on the quintessential classic.

Like much of the food I make, the development of this recipe came out of a craving for the classic Rice Krispie Treats. This is a sweet I’ve had many times, but now in adulthood, I no longer eat food derived from pork- so most gelatins, and thus, most marshmallow-y treats are off-limits.

However, there are some brands of marshmallows that do not use pork-based gelatins- Bonart is one of those brands. You can find them for sale online and in grocery stores that specialize in halal foods. In Philadelphia, you can find these tasty morsels at Alif Brew & Mini Mart as well as Queen Village Food Market - two of my favorite places in the city!

Now onto the sweet snack! For the matcha, I used this, which has genmai (roasted rice) mixed in. Genmai has a savory, toasted flavor that pairs well with the kamut or puffed rice. To balance it out with a subtle sweetness, I used strawberry pink and white marshmallows.

If you like desserts that aren’t too sweet and highlight an atypical flavor profile, I encourage you to try this one. And I encourage you to adapt it and add your own tastes and preferences. Please feel free to leave questions, comments, and thoughts- especially if you try the recipe!

Strawberry Green Tea Kamut Krispie Treats


  • 4 cups puffed kamut or puffed rice

  • 1- 5 oz bag of pink and white marshmallows (reserve a few for mixing)

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 2 tsp. green tea (culinary grade)

  • 2 Tbsp. butter

  • Additional butter for greasing pan


Step 1: In a medium-sized double boiler, melt butter and marshmallows over medium heat (reserving a few marshmallows for mixing later).

Step 2: Once melted, add vanilla and green tea and combine thoroughly.

Step 3: In a large bowl, combine kamut, marshmallow mixture, and reserved marshmallows, and combine until it forms a uniform consistency.

Step 4: Lightly grease an 8” x 8” pan with butter.

Step 5: Pour warm mixture into pan and press to form an even layer.

Step 6: Allow krispies to cool, then cut and serve.


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