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Turkey Sausage and Egg White Fritatta

Breakfast Meal Prep

The frittata has a rich history that traces back to ancient Rome. Here’s the story: 🕰️

The word frittata itself comes from the Italian verb “friggere,” which means “to fry.” Originally, it was a general term for cooking eggs in a frying pan (or skillet). This could range from a simple fried egg to a conventional omelette. Interestingly, there’s an Italian version of the Spanish omelette, which includes fried potatoes.

Over time, the frittata evolved into a distinct dish. Here are the key differences between a frittata and a regular omelette:

  1. Ingredients: A frittata is enriched with additional ingredients such as meats, cheeses, or vegetables. It’s like Italy’s version of an open-face omelette.

  2. Mixing: In a frittata, ingredients like cubed potatoes are combined with the beaten egg mixture while the eggs are still raw. This differs from an omelette, where additional ingredients are laid over the mostly cooked egg mixture before folding.

  3. Cooking: Frittatas are cooked slowly over low heat, allowing for a deeper filling and a fluffier result. They’re not folded like omelettes but can be turned over or briefly grilled to set the top layer.

So, next time you enjoy a frittata, remember its fascinating journey from ancient Rome to your plate! 🍳🇮🇹

You can begin your frittata odyssey with the recipe below.  Feel free to customize your frittata by adding your preferred spices, meats, and veggies.  The best part about this recipe is that leftovers can be refrigerated and reheated for a quick breakfast during the week.

Let me know how you do your frittata!  Bon appétit! 🍳🌿

Turkey Sausage and Egg White Frittata


  • 1 shallot, diced

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil

  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped

  • ½ tsp paprika

  • ½ tsp cumin

  • ½ tsp coriander

  • 1 tsp fennel

  • ¼ tsp turmeric

  • ¼ tsp cayenne

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp pepper

  • 16 oz turkey sausage

  • 1 cup chopped greens

  • ½ cup cherry tomatoes, chopped

  • 3 Tbsp cilantro, chopped

  • 12 egg whites

  • 3 oz cheese, grated


  1. Sautee shallot and garlic in olive oil until fragrant.

  2. Add spices and turkey sausage and sautee until fully cooked.

  3. Remove from heat, add greens, tomatoes, and cilantro and allow to cool.

  4. When cooled, add egg whites and cheese, mix thoroughly.

  5. Pour mixture into a greased baking dish and baked at 350 for 45 minutes or until cooked thoroughly*.

*The frittata is thoroughly cooked when an inserted toothpick comes out clean.


  • Serve with a side salad or whole-grain toast.

  • Save leftovers for easy-to-reheat breakfast meal prep.