Everyday People Magic

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Pan Seared Salmon, Sauteed Bok Choy, and Tomatillo Guacamole

Returning Home

Every year, salmon embark on one of nature’s most incredible journeys. Born in the tranquil freshwater streams, these fish travel thousands of miles to the vast ocean, where they spend most of their lives growing and maturing.

As they reach adulthood, a powerful instinct drives them to return to their birthplace. This journey, known as the “salmon run,” is fraught with challenges. They navigate treacherous waters, leap over waterfalls, and evade predators, all driven by the need to spawn in the same streams where they were born.


Navigating by Nature

Salmon have an extraordinary ability to find their way back home. They use the Earth’s magnetic field and their keen sense of smell to navigate through the complex network of rivers and streams. It’s a journey of endurance and resilience, showcasing the incredible strength and determination of these fish.


A Cycle of Life

Upon reaching their spawning grounds, salmon lay their eggs and, having completed their life mission, often die shortly after. Their bodies provide vital nutrients to the ecosystem, supporting the next generation of salmon and other wildlife.



The journey of salmon is a testament to the wonders of nature. It’s a story of survival, instinct, and the relentless drive to continue the cycle of life. As we enjoy salmon on our plates, we should acknowledge the end they face for our nourishment. Let us be thankful for the bounty the Earth provides and remember to respect and care for our planet. By giving back and treating it with care, we ensure that these natural cycles continue for generations to come.


Pan Seared Salmon, Sauteed Bok Choy, and Tomatillo Guacamole
4 servings


Tomatillo Guacamole Ingredients:

  • 4 tomatillos, roughly chopped

  • 2 avocados

  • 4 tablespoons lime juice

  • salt to taste

Tomatillo Guacamole Method:

Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth

Bok Choy Ingredients:

  • 1 lb bok choy

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • high heat oil (avocado, grapeseed, safflower)

Bok Choy Method:

Sautee bok choy in oil with salt and pepper until lightly wilted (2 minutes)

Salmon Ingredients:

  • 4- 4 oz pieces of salmon

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • high heat oil (avocado, grapeseed, safflower)

  • 1 cup soup broth (optional) I used Laksa soup broth

Salmon Method:

Brush salmon with oil then sprinkle salt and pepper.  Pan-sear salmon with soup broth (optional) in a nonstick pan on medium/high heat for about 4 minutes on each side.  Once the salmon reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, plate over bok choy and top with tomatillo guacamole.